The Informatics Consortium at IU Indianapolis is seeking applications for funding to support research ideas from current IU Indianapolis faculty. These pilot grants can be focused in an array of informatics-related disciplines in which the investigators have demonstrated expertise, including clinical research, public health, education, law, business, chemistry, and biology. Studies that address significant discipline challenges that can be addressed with informatics-related methods or solutions will be prioritized. The pilot funding will provide opportunities for faculty to gather preliminary data, prove a concept, or implement on a small-scale an approach or solution that can be translated into a larger research project funded by an extramural grant.
The consortium expects pilot grants will catalyze new funding applications to the NIH, NSF, and/or other extramural funding agencies. Collaboration between investigators from different schools or departments is not a requirement, but it is strongly encouraged and considered as criteria for the review. The Informatics Consortium at IU Indianapolis will fund up to two (2) projects at a funding level of up to $15,000 for 9-months.
We expect recipients to attend a joint meeting on a quarterly basis (every 3 months). The purpose of these meetings will be to create shared learning across the projects, as well as an opportunity to learn more about how to translate the pilot work into a larger, extramural proposal. In addition, we expect funded investigators to work with the Informatics Consortium Fellow and IU Research team to develop and submit the extramural proposal by the end of 2025.